Monday, August 8, 2011

Were does 5ft 8 &1/2 range in height, is it short, tall, medium?

I always heard Ryan Seacrest was short but when I found out he's 5ft 9 I was taken back because I always thought my height was alright but dam if Ryan is considered short then I’m in real trouble. please give me your honest answer, I really don't care(REALLY NO MERCY) don't try to make it sound like its not that bad. I just want to know what people really think is tall and what’s average. I'm 5ft 8&1/2 if you think that’s short PLEASE tell me I really want to know the truth. It seams like 5ft 10-11 is the average height for a male since that’s the height of all my friend not to mention it seems like everyone I see at the store or gym is on average 5ft 10-11. please don't say your fine the way you are or that’s how god intended you to be or its just your genes...I know that…well the last part, I’m not trying to sound rude but it doesn’t help. Thanks in advance… I mean really pick at this issue like one of those critics on those chef shows. DON’T FILTER OUT YOUR RAW ANSWERS I CAN TAKE THEM.

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