Friday, August 12, 2011

I have constant problems with my plumbing...toilet won't flush if it rains too much..any ideas?

The last user swears she did not plug it with paper.....We have an old house by Lake Erie with lousy drainage. a small septic tank that has been pumped frequently, 3 kids . The problems really started lasf year after our neighbor dug a new well, I don't know if it messed up my leach bed or what. We have a 20 foot by 30 foot yard with leach bed, the septic tank is at least 30 yrs old-I think...Hubby dumps draino down the toilet and learned how to pump septic into a tank .he snakes the pipes occ too. But how do I get to the source of the problem??? The sinks and tub drain more reliably than the toilet- but will go "blub, blub,blub...." when the toilet won't flush... air pocket? This is so frustrating having to go to McDonalds too use their bathroom!!!! HELP !!!!

Why are Linkin Park so underrated by critics?

well this goes for many bands- they're type of music is one of those things where it's either you really like it or you could care less- no in between. Unlike the songs critics like which most people say "yea its good/ok" with linkin park many people say "I LOVE THEM/I HATE THEM!" so critics tend to lean towards not liking them. Caught a bad break i suppose.

What might be a good way to keep seagulls evenly spaced other than fishing line, I took this photo today?

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Cant Boehner see what McConnell is doing to him by putting the debt ceiling deal solely on him?

That's a leftist hack interpretation. I can tell you Cantor walked out of talks because he's smart enough to know agreeing to tax increases will lose the Republicans their base.

What is the name of this animated film about a seagull who dies in an oil spill and a cat adopts her baby?

Possibly Luck and Zorba? a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is my character a Gary Stu/Mary sue?

Heh, i got negitive answers on my story. Gotta change it a bit... this is the main character i sorta love him (brother like xD) BUT im willing to change him... So critic him? (also his looks is probably a Gary stu trait.... Just warning i don't wanna change his looks :c) His name is Xavier (i still need a last name) and he has Blonde shoulder length hair (long) and blue eyes. He is a normal peachy skin color. He wears a dark pink hoodie, black skinnys, and black boots. His personality usually wards off "fangirls" and people who try to talk to him... Therefore he has no friends at the start (Keep reading its not what it looks like) He lives with his grandparents since a gang killed off a huge portion of his hometown. He acts rather cold, and rude. He tends to keep quiet most of the time unless there is something he HAS so say. He is a smartass and sarcastic a lot, when he does talk its usually an Insult, smart comment, or a simple "Get away from me.". I will not lie, he does has a sad past but he dosent angst about it and cry. Also remeber how i sad "he has no friends"? He dosent care. At all. It took him a while to consider Indigo (another character who continues to bug him, Indigo is completely oblivious to the fact Xavier hates him in the first 2 chapters, its not till Xavier yells it out that he hates him... Even then he continues to try and befriend Xavier.) a friend. So far he dose NOT fall in love with any character. And i plan for him not to...... I mean it... There is a humorous scene where this idiot princess stalks him... He ends up blurting out he's gay to get her away from him... Out of extreme frustration. It didn't work. It brought out her "Yaoi" loving Side..... So... What do you think? Oh he's 17 btw

Is this a form of violence?

Rubbing a cats face into its urine because the cat is too damn stupid to use a litter box is not abuse. Perhaps its your cats that really are the issue here. I think 1 its a little messed up you lived with the guy but had separate rooms and 2 that you would freak out over a cat like that. Thumbs down here you come LOL.

Why critics hate transformers dark of the moon?

the critics hated it cuz it was utter crap!! terrible non sensical story horrible directing. critics see things for what they are. they aren't fan-boys. and no they don't hate all summer blockbusters. pirates did well, and dark knight was critically acclaimed and oscar nominated. transformers suck just as bad as gi joe sucked. fyi fans don't love transformers the "movie saga'" ive watched it since the early 80s when they first came out and even read the comics. it has absolutely nothing to do with the base material other than the fact that the names are kinda the same. the cars don't match the original an seriously retarded wangsta tuner brothers and like 3 RC's!!!!!!!? terrible!!!!!

Cant Boehner see what McConnell is doing to him by putting the debt ceiling deal solely on him?

That's a leftist hack interpretation. I can tell you Cantor walked out of talks because he's smart enough to know agreeing to tax increases will lose the Republicans their base.

How can i make my boyfriend feel guilty?

Well okay i heard this rumor right and well i want to know the truth because it's killing me inside it's about him and this other girl they had a little something basically he cheated but i dont know if it happened or if there lies how can i make him tell me the truth , how can that happened ? pls no critics :/

I'm looking into getting into theatre next year?

So,today my brother gave me a brochure for a Memphis Theatre,and there doing a production of a movie that one of my favorite directors (Bob fosse) made;Cabaret so i finally started to work on being a stage actress but i wanna educate myself before i go on stage and make a jackass of myself,so i would like to know how i can practice dancing and exercise my voice,since i notice the oddest thing i can only sing (well) when it rains? I guess because it's soothing,but i just want to work on my singing voice,but i haven't the slightest idea on where to start,please help?

What is equity? Why is it important as used in this quote?

Equity is the net ownership you have in an asset. In this context, it is the difference between the value of the real estate asset and the debt owed on it. So, for example, if you bought a home for $400,000 and took a mortgage loan of $375,000, you have equity of $25,000. If the value of that home drops to $350,000, you actually have a negative equity. At that point you would simply allow the lender to foreclose on the property rather than repaying the $375,000.

How much do you know about Islam?

About ten years ago, I knew very little and had a neutral opinion about it, but today I know more about it than I do Christianity. I have read about half of the Qur'an but the real understanding comes from written commentary by both Muslims and critics of Islam. I have found Islam's critics to be much more convincing and truthful.

What are some "lame" songs from the 80s?

By lame I still want fun songs, but you know, stuff like Thomas Dolby, Talking Heads, Flock of Seagulls, etc. Memorable popular songs from that decade that we can sing along with (and possibly laugh at) today.

Many critics say the Heat need a big man. How many more superstars do they need? They already have 3!?

I hear people saying that Howard should join the Heat or that they really need a big man. They already got 3 star players now that celebrate themselves and mock their opponents before even winning anything. How many more superstars do they need in order to win a title? They already lost to the Mavs and they only had 1 all-star.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Movies: What's a film that you think is misunderstood?

The Matrix definitely had political and spiritual connotations that a lot of my peers overlooked. Personally I didn't get Black Snake Moan (and thought it was absolutely absurd) until I learned that its a parable. Why I didn't realize that, I don't know...

WHO Turned Water Into Wine, Who saved the Earth, Who Fought death in Battle?

In other words, who backed up the use of liquor as an intoxicant, destroyed all life on earth except who was on Noah's ark, and liked to fight battles and kill? So what's your question?

Is my daughter a good artist?

My daughter just turned 13 and got a DA account (which I check a lot). Her account I'm mostly doing this is because she ask me to much about her art and always asking for critic,and I'm no artist,nor do I know anything about art itself. She's also gotten into japanese art more because of a trip to the place,but doesn't draw it.

Will I Die ( Bug Spray )?

OK so its been raining alot and im a big neat freak so i sprayed alittle big spray in my bedroom . Were i sleep . Its been 20 - 30 mins since i sprayed ot i have no where else to sleep me and my doggie sleep in there can l sleep in there without anything happing to me or my dog???!

Did he really love me?

Ok so me and my boy friend took it way to fast. H ewas leaving into the army and he told me not to stop or hide my fealings. So i listened and i let my fealings go.I wasnt with him very long and just out of the blue he told me a week and a half ago that he loved me. I realized at that time i had really strong fealings for him and those fealings turned into love. He said he wanted to have a baby b 4 he left for bootcamp. I agreed . every thing was going great . His ex gf showed up at his house unexspected. This is the second time shes done this. She knew i was guna b there. H e left to take her home and i was broken and hurt. He told my friend he loved me and wanted me. So i stayed with him n 4 got about it. I let it go n stayed calm. The next day i felt and knew something was wrong.I kept asking him wat was wrong he said nothing. Later that night he told me he still had fealings for his ex gf. And he wouldnt feal write staying with me and doing things with me wen he still had fealings for her. He said he didnt tell me wen i asked was cuz he was trying to get over it and thought it would go away. So he took me home in the rain. We had a ok talk in the car i pretended i was ok . I told him i didnt hate him. I just dont know where all the fealings and stuff went. He said he culdnt control his fealings. Do you think he really loved me in the first place. Wut u think happened. I wasnt with him for a long time but i did love him so it still hurts. We had sex for the first time write b 4 she came we also had sex a few times after that too. Then the next day came and things were different. Help im hurt i wana get over this. i dnt know what to think about ti. what does this sound like to you:

Why are right to work states doing better than union run states?

It's just common sense that a state will do better when its citizens are free to work wherever it wants without forcing to give up money to a union that it doesn't even support.

Can rats eat/attack goldfish?

I doubt the fish could be eating each other. Try sealing the tank if it is not and have it in a table or other elevated place.

Is Aristophanes a good critic of drama?

Im really stuck with my homework.i google it but couldn't find out more details. Will you please help me? Thanx.

Are there any websites with movie reviews that aren't written by pretentious snobs?

All of the popular sites I know of have "critic reviews" written by professional snobs, and then "user reviews" written by aspiring snobs. Do you know of any websites where this is not the case?

A baby seagull has landed on my low roof outside my bedroom,shall I just leave it alone?

I'm 3 floors up so don't want it to fall,but not sure if the mother is on the top roof to feed it,or if it's been abandoned?

Why do seagulls hang around schools/tall buildings?

i learned this 2 days ago but i forgot, is it like because the air is more dense or something and they dont to flap their wings that much

Horse riding do I have good form?

You have a great seat and position, there's nothing much to criticize! Two things though; Try to keep your elbows bent and by your side. It isn't absolutely necessary, but your position looks much neater with your elbows at your side. Also, your toes tend to stick out whilst you jump. Again, this isn't a big problem, but looks much neater when your toes are in. You have good potential and you're a lovely rider. Keep it up. :)

When is the release date for Rain and Kenshi in Mortal Kombat 9?

No specific dates, but you have to remember that there's still, you know, all of July left still. It's only July 3rd.

Split hoof on my three-year-old?

With an injury like this i would call another farrier, i know your waiting on YOUR farrier but if your that worried call another farrier or a vet. With something that serious i wouldnt trust the advice of people you dont know online.

How can I deal with my fear of seagulls?

They're everywhere now, and probably until October. I simply can't function outside, because I've been attacked so much in previous years.

Is this poem any good?

If you wrote that i woudn't post it on the internet because someone could copy it and say they wrote it. But yeahs it good.

Artists or art lover or critics?

ohkay so i need to know.. If you visit an art exhibition.. And the artist is a 19 year old girl.. Most of the work done by her is modern contemporary art and no realistic art.. What would be your reaction..??

What do you think about my name ? Rain?

my parents named me rain, i don't its little bit weird. if you could pick your name what would you pick ? who would name their son rain?

Hi every one i m going nainital this Wednesday?

hi every one i m going nainital this Wednesday any one tell me weather there rain no problem i love nainital rain... is there any road block or any other thing i m coming till moradabad on train & then on taxi

Did "Green Lantern" receive overwhelmingly negative reviews from critics?

I don't know about overwhelmingly negative, but the reviews weren't too good. They are fitting though because that movie was pretty bad.

Which is better, Portal or Portal 2?

Portal 2 BUT you should play Portal 1 first. Portal 2 will be better having played Portal 1, plus Portal 1 is cheaper.. and it's still a good game. I would recommend getting The Orange Box ($19.99) which includes Portal, Half-life 2, and Team Fortress 2 (all amazing games).

Question about swearing/cursing?

who came up with swear words anyways? I mean...whats so bad about them? Did someone just declare that as* is a bad word? I dont think any words are "bad"

Are seagulls the souls of mariners lost at sea?

Thats a really good question.If you think about it maybe they could be ebcause seagulls travel all over the world and maybe they are looking for their home.Honestly your question was just amazing :)

Do people still play metal gear online?

I'm thinking of buying metal gear solid 4, as it's cheap now and has gotten a great amount of reviews from critics and a couple of my buddies. However i'm going to buy it in a couple days and am just wondering if people still play the multiplayer after so many years. does it take long to find a match? is anyone playing?

Can someone recommend a good singer to listen to and add to my list?

alright screw you, I geet taylor and all them being "teenie bopper" but RASCALL FLATTS?!?!?! eff off

Are there seagulls and crows in Englad?

I know this is probably a dumb question, but I never been in England, I would like to know this because I'm making A story about a third instalment of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, for fun.

Does this make you interested?

That a really good story, you could continue it by finding out what happens next, its certainly a book i'd read. Clear, concise... each small part of it make it perfect.

What would you do if you came home and there was?

a seagull in your bathroom, washing its legs in the sink, and when it saw you, it screeched: "What? Again? Why can't I ever wash my legs without some weirdo staring? Can't a bird have some privacy?"

Please read my story, I wanna know if it's good!!!?

This would make a great opening for a teen story. But, when you say cuddled, that gives the idea of curled up and held, maybe since you say she is stretched out in bed, just saying wrapped . There needs to be a connection between the room and the beach, such as: the windows of the house allow the sounds of the beach to enter my room. I would like to know where the "Speaking of vanilla ice-cream" leads. Good luck with your efforts. I admire anyone who will put the time and effort into trying to write.

This is a random piece I wrote, tell me what you think?

This is really amazing. I love the descriptions. But that's probably just because that's how i am when i write, i love going into great detail. And I agree with them ^^^ it could be like a dream or going into heaven. But whatever it means, its great. :)

Ever been in a building with a tin roof ?

Yes I have one on my party house. Great place to cook out on a rainy day. My grills are out there. and a fireplace. Or sleep on a rainy night. In the hammock.

Flies from fireplace?

I have been having a problem recently with blow flies. I got a sweep in today and he removed a dead seagull from my roof. I thought great problem solved. However 10 mins after he left I had 10 more flies in my front room. Is this normal? How long will it take for them to disappear?

Writing critics welcome! Please read the first (and maybe more?) chapter of my story?

I am an aspiring writer, and I have been writing for as long as I can really remember. Any who, I was wondering if I could get some honest, harsh if needed, criticism? Don't tell me what you think I want to hear if you don't mean it! I am a big girl and can take what ever advice and criticism you throw my way! Thanks so much :)

Why are movie critics so biased these days?

I agree, critics tend to think too much when it comes to movies. Why dont they turn their brains of for all of a couple of hours and just sit back and enjoyed themselves. In their minds if the movie has a big budget or has a few mainstream actors then they rate it poorly. It MUST be independant and arty and basically for the most part 'shyte' in my opinion. I aint dissing all independant or arty movies cos some are actually good but critics tend to side with them nonetheless

If justin bieber is so talented why is his movie a 1.3/10 on

because of ppl like you, who would rather die than actually admit Justin Bieber has more talent than you'll ever have- or know what 2 do with.

Should i talk to him or carry on ignoring him?

That's a really tricky one..You don't want him to think he can just use you for sex..When you talked did he tell you how he felt i.e does he have real feelings for you? If you can't be honest with each other then it'll never work and this will eat away at you. You haven't done anything wrong though. If you really have feelings for him its only natural that you'd want to be with him or close to him..Get him to talk maybe..Meet in a coffee shop and be really honest..If he walks away you've not lost the guy of your dreams..more perhaps a nightmare..Good luck

"how do u get rid of the seagull in big nate island poptropica?"?

You have to collect the old photograph that flies by the lighthouse. Once you collect it, give it to the man at the "Say Cheese" photo place. You swap the picture for a scuba gear. You go back to the lighthouse and dive into the oyster beds. You have to collect a lobster trap. Once you get it, give it to the old man on the dock. He gives you the lobster inside the trap and his jet ski keys. Climb all the way to the top of the lighthouse. There, you see the beacon. Use the lobster as a wrench. The light from the beacon will hit the seagull and it'll fly away.

Why did people think the Bush economy can be fixed immediately?

The big misconception about the recession is that these things can be fixed overnight. Fact is it took 8 years of destroying the economy and it will take more than 4 years, possible more to fix it. Obama has fixed the markets and in spite of what critics say, the stock market is back to normal. However, people are being allowed to take this money and not give any of it back to the ones who fixed it. Raising taxes on the wealthy is the only way to get this back. We have to keep the current policy in place and over time it will work.

Why am i awkward with him?

First of all, we were best friends, then we fell in love with each other. We don't see each other in school because we're in different classes and things. But we talk on facebook ALL THE TIME. he says how we're defiantly going to go out. and how he wants to kiss me in the rain and everything, all on facebook! and texts, and also we write letters to each other. But for some reason, we're awkward when we see each other in school? we hardly do see each other, but for some reason, it's just awkward :S how can we make the awkwardness go away? i really like him.

Please help: if I read an essay in a collection of essays, how do I cite it in my work cited?

I read Civil Disobedience by Henry Thoreau in a collection of essays called "The Seagull Reader: Essays" (Edited by Joseph Kelly) how do I cite it in my work cited?? Please help...thank you!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Question on staining a deck?

== powerwash Monday afternoon and then sand on Tuesday afternoon .... be sure it is dry before you sand ... hope you do not mind the x=tra .... work under your patio umbrella and sweep often to see your advancement ... you can use a garden sprayer for the stain or a heavier coat will be the use of a roller.....

Funny snippet i came across.....?

That is very funny! I think tomorrow (Saturday) should be really good if the rain holds off: Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Serena Williams, Baghdatis and Monfils all due to play.

Has anyone read this book?

It's called Jonathan Livingston Seagull and it's very interesting. If you have not read it you should. Anyway, I just want to know what you think about the authors theory, if you have read it. Thank you!

What do you think of my STORY so far?

It's catchy.. I'm wondering, though, Is he in any pain other than his headache? does he feel anything at all? Or is he gonna walk away without a scratch?

Was "Return of the Jedi" a bad movie?

I haven't seen the original trilogy in a very long time. I was just looking on rotten tomatoes and was surprised to find that it had such a low rating from critics---lower than "Revenge of the Sith", and everybody complains about how bad the prequels were :/

Why am i so Terrified of birds?

i have been scared of birds since i was at a very young age and now it has come to he point were i dont want to go out. i live by the seaside and every time i go out i see a bird i cower away or i will walk completely out of its path or some times i will just freeze. I have read the other questions like this and they say touch one or walk past one but i seriously cant! Its just pigeons and seagulls i cant stand the sight of one. I have had therapy for it and i didn't work PLEASE HELP ME !!

Should I sell my Seagull S6?

Keep the Seagull, it's a better guitar than that Takamine model which doesn't even have a solid top. Is there something you don't like about the Seagull? They're are nice guitars. If you want electronics and it doesn't have them you can add a soundhole pickup for about $50.

Why do Christian critics of evolution claim that recurrence of some biological phenomenon "disproves" the....?

Because organizations like Reasons to Believe, Answers in Genesis, and Institute for Creation Research take the account of Creation in Genesis to be true. If that is the case, there is no room for evolution.

Someone help me - I literally feel like I'm going to die of happiness?

I really dont believe on someone being overjoyed! Well, being so happy is not really a bad thing unless you are causing problem on others, which you obviously dont, and good luck on your studies on college!

Should i talk to him or carry on ignoring him?

It all depends what you want to do and what your gut is telling you to do. Regardless of what he wants, it's upto you. Maybe just tell him you need time, and have a break from him for awhile until you can get over feelings you may have for him.

POLL: did you see the seagull who steals crisps (chips)?

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Why does Michele Bachmann expect voters to trust her, when she says nutty things such as.......?

The voters don't trust her. Mitt Romney far outdistances her in polls. The media is enamored with her, however, and giving her more coverage than she deserves.

Is Ariza changing his story on Pacquiao drug use?

O.K.-and who ever cared about any of Ariza's allegations in the first place? Who is he again? Ariza is no one in the big picture and there has never been proof of any sort in the first place

Just saw the most disturbing thing ever; home animal euthanasia?

if an animal is suffering and nothing can be done about it or is beyond healing or fixable - then it is way more humane to put the animal down - then let it suffer - it applys to all animals - it is way less painfull and way less torture to end an animals life then let it drag on - only if its not fixable

How did God create nature without programing what it would do?

When a worm crawls up a african kid's brain and makes him go blind, is it not the design of god? Or when a seagull picks out the eyes of a baby seal, is it something God did not design, if so, why say God created nature at all?

Did anyone see the new Transformers/do you want to see it?

I havent seen it but i really want to its supposed to be 4 or 5 stars i forgot but it look really cool

Electronic collars, what do you think about them?

There not cruel if you know how to use one and what is used for they become cruel if you don't have a clue how and what they are used for .

What's your new name (hippy names)?

Spirit Cosmicride Lovehaze. It's kinda cool, I mean as a hippie name it's pretty rad, especially Spirit - I mean, I'd be original!

If description is so important then how can you be overly descriptive?

If you add too much description in the beginning it will be too much work in the end. You won't be able to figure out how to add more description without making it sound like the beginning. Find a happy medium and work with it. I, personally, like a lot of description in my stories because then it makes me read every sentence and the mental picture stays in my mind but I guess you can't make everyone happy. Good luck :D

Does he want to be friends or his he lying?

Are you actually saying you care what some random person you had sex with thinks about you. Your a better person than that just ignore this dishrag in real life.

Why is my longboard sooo slow!?

try to loosen your nuts . or your bearings needs some lubrication. if it makes noises after the lubrication , try thinking about buying new bearings . it also helps if you clean it once in a while to help prevent rusting.

What do my sexual dreams mean? ASAP.?

It's called a wet Dream your just Horney sweetie that's all has nothing to do with the fact your a slut don't listen to the chick with the Hannah montanna picture don't worry it's nothing everyone has them weither they ambit it or not

When is the best time to travel to Beijing China?

When is the best time to travel to Beijing, China? I want to avoid summer, raining season and sand storm, so when is the best time to travel to Beijing? When is the Spring and Fall season begin and end?

Are liberals Glad that Gov Brown made Amazon end a deal with 25,000 online websites?

Yes, liberals are clueless. Amazon is going to remove any presence in California and probably challenge the law in court. Just another company to flee California, more to come.

Why do seagulls only sh*t on my window?

I sleep in the Attic that's obviously converted in my bedroom, its a big room, huge roof and the seagulls ONLY **** on my window, I honestly don't know why, do they dislike the glass or something? I look out the window with caution and look along the roof and noticed there is no **** on the roof and thought, wtf are they shitting on my window for? the window is align with the roof, so its diagonal. Im looking at the moment and there is about 5 from 5 different seagulls. Anyone got any comments on their annoying behaviour

Do you believe in miracles?

I was blinded at the age of three, when surgeons reluctantly remove my eyes to save me from a fast spreading cancer, but although eyeless, I regained my sight when I was thirteen.This sudden ascent from a decade of darkness into the glory of light was not brought about by the hands of a holy healer. No celestial trumpets announced the restoration of my vision, just as none announced my birth. A rollercoaster had something to do with my recovery, as did a seagull. And you cannot discount the importance of my profound desire to make my mother proud of me before she died.The first time she died was the day I was born: January 6, 1980.

Can someone explain this quote for me?

the eyes are very limited in their capability to see.but brain has a wider perspective. with your eyes you can only see what is presented before you. yet with your brain you can see even the brains or hearts of others. therefore you had better value more what you see with your inner sources rather than your eyes.

I need to find out what song was sampled the this beat?

i herd some one sample a song into a hip hop beat and it had lyrics on it that go like this "lets light up the sky like electric raindrops, let the night fall but dont let the rain stop" it also had that song he sampled beat on it. it was on this page beat number 3 "electric raindrops" what im looking for is the song he sampled

My story so far. Do you like it? btw, if you want more, ask. I can't put it all on here?

Its a good story, but novels are better written in third person omniscient if you ask me. It shouldn't be too hard to convert to that.

Should i keep my hair colour? Why does it look golden brown with red tints in the sun? you should really check her out, she is just starting on youtube, and she is really helpful. I only know this because i posted a question here, and she answered it perfectly and then told me about her videos, she knows more than i do about all this. good luck :)

How much will verizon charge to fix my lg chocalate phone?

I lost my phone for the three days that it rained when I let it dry it wouldn't turn on & when I charged it the phone still doesn't turn on

Did I hear you laugh?

Love it!! I use to work in a coal mine but we never went home for lunch. Didn't sit around naked either. Still, I found the joke funny. Can't wait to tell this at our Retired Coal Miners meeting.

Why doesn't Tom FU(K Jerry UP?

I've been thinking of this for a while, why do I drink so much orange juice that when I rub my wee-wee I yell seagull and throw the snow that comes out onto the mirror, and then my wee-wee hurts for an hour?

What do you think the craziest, trippist song ever?

personally i think its tomorrow never knows by the beatles with all the reverse gutar & violin solos from other songs, including the sped up laughing of one of them (the seagull noise)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weather in Orlando...?

I'm going to Orlando next Sunday and so far on the ten day weather report Sunday and Monday have scattered thunderstorms. If it rains will they shut down the rides like Revenge of the Mummy, Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls, Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges, Jurassic Park River Adventure, Men in Black Alien Attack, or any simulators and other rides?

Why are movie critics so harsh but game critics easily impressed?

It seems like movies are always rated low and most games get a positive review from critics. Whats up with that.

Who liked the movie sucker punch?

Critics said it was stupid but it really was not it was a great movie and I did not hate anything about it I actually watched it twice

'Inception' is unbelievable bad?

i finally watched this movie on cable channel. this is unbelievable bad and convoluted. i can't believe the rave review it received. was i watching the same film as those critics did?

Where can I buy seagull guitars?

Seagull Guitars are the best hand-crafted acoustic guitars on the market.They are made in Quebec,Canada.

Why are some garter snakes seeking human habitation and how and why are they surviving without a pond of water?

Recently in the summer months every year, we are constantly seeing large garter snakes (I was lucky enough to see a baby one some time earlier this year or maybe last) in are apartment and what i'm trying to figure out is, is why are there many garter snakes living around in civilization, we'll see birds, raccoons, feral cats, and squirrels including some insects and the garter snakes here in the apartment but why are they living so closely here around humans? yesterday me and my (girl) friend were going to go outside to try and catch one or some but then at first no luck and then our friend had came because his metro phone got locked and he wanted us to go to the metro store so he can see what's wrong with it and so I put the container I had that I was going to put the snake in back in the house and as soon as we were leaving guess what? yup it was a large garter snake probably female? but the thing is it was me, my two friends, my little sister, and my (girl) friends daughter and we all saw it but why didn't the snake slither away, we were all very close to it especially me trying to get a look at it and it didn't even try to get away it just kept on moving like we weren't even there but why? and by the way I didn't catch the snake because I didn't have the container and plus we were inna rush anyway but I was glad I got to see a "wild" garter snake up close but why are these snakes living in human habitation especially in apartments because there are no rats, mice, fish, especially water unless it's raining or the sprinklers are on but there are some small species of birds and squirrels and a lot of species of insects so do you think that the snakes maybe eating those but what about water? there's not a single pond in my apartment? but how and why are these snakes surviving and what might they be eating and why are they living approximately so close to us humans?

What happens if you feed a seagull half a cheese sandwich?

My friend fed two seagulls half a cheese and salad cream sandwich with white bread each. They ate it whole and there necks looked fatter. Then they flew away.

Trouble with male characters?

Don't think of them as male or female. Think of them as characters and ignore their gender unless it specifically matters to the story that they are a boy.

Is Braid a good game?

Definitely not worth $15.00, to me, in my opinion. I felt ripped off after playing through it. Totally weird storyline. The puzzles do get tricky, so in that aspect, it was awesome. It was also nice to feel like I was playing a remade retro game. But that's a double edged sword. I would've rather played it as a NES title, 20 years ago! If your curious about it, check out some youtube videos of it. But then again, it all comes down to personal preference, right?

I had sex with my teacher and now i think i might be pregnant?

Well im sorry you have to be in that situation.... But that is illegal. So if you are pregnant he is going to be in so much trouble... Well actually even if you arent pregnant and somebody tells on you he will be fired... But if you didnt use a condom then you might be pregnant...

Your thoughts on this excerpt?

Not realistic enough, but pretty good. I've read about people going through dense jungle before in real life. The people not used to the area take guides along with them who know the way in spite of everything, and they hack branches and shrubs continually to get through and collapse from exhaustion and illness finally when through it. The screeching is probably there. The birds first warn the others that something foreign is coming through. They screech even louder if it's a leopard.

How do you think he feels about me?

We've been dating for a few months, and everyone comments on our relationship. Most people say we're the perfect movie couple, or how adorable we are together, some have gone as far as to say that they watch us because we're so cute together. We never leave each others side and there's always a smile across both of our faces, but I'm wondering if it's too good to be true. He always drives me to and from school and refuses to let me walk when it's cold or raining, he says that he misses me minutes after we've just stopped seeing each other, when I get mad at him and I said I didn't know if we were going to work he started crying(& he's 6'2 probably 180 pounds of muscle) He's a very tough guy, but around me everyone says he's a whole new person. He's very loving and compassionate around me and he always makes sure I'm happy. When my parents got mad and I said I didn't feel welcome here, he was willing to move out a year before he had planned in order to live with me, and already truthfully says he'd like to be with my forever. The flaw is that he ALWAYS wants me to be happy, so whatever I ask him to do, he does.. Sometimes I want him to just rebel a bit.

Why do I hate the day time?

Because its hot. You get sun burn.. The sun hurts your eyes. And it makes you sweat. Trust me im not so fond of the daytime either.. But if we didnt have it idkk it would be crazy lol and kinda weird cause its not really the day.. Its the sun.

I need help finding a drum&bass song (it has thunder/rain sounds at the end)?

Sorry but i don't know much about the song.. I remember it had a woman vocalist and that it had thunder/rain sounds at the end of the song. I know that may not be much info to get by, but I'd appreciate it if someone helped

Are these song lyrics good?

First off I would not ever.listen to it its to hard even to hard for rock tone it down a bit and it will be perfect .

Should I go to the music festival?!?

I went last year and loved it, but it's 4 days long and it is 'hard work' having to last camping in muck and rain etc, but not many are going this year and 1 of my friends is, and he asked me would I and I said yea sure I think I will, and now it's in a few days and I've no ticket/transport to it etc and amn't sure if i wanna go, but I'll be letting him down as he has all his stuff sorted. I know he knows others going as he is on a booked out bus to it, but he asked would I and he's counting on me I think. He text this morning and I didn't tb and I saw him then today but he was far away and I didn't say hi, though we both know we saw each other! I still do wana go on some level, but I'm just not too pushed. If I do go I'll be glad I did I'd say! what should I do, go or not?!

When and why do crabs come onto the shore of beaches to lay their eggs?

It's true that not all crabs must come to shore to lay eggs. some crabs that are fully terrestrial don't even have to come to shore cause the already live on land. these crabs are in the Sesarmidae family. They don't go to sea to realase thier larvae like other land crabs do. Gecarcinidae is a family of land crabs that does go return to the sea to breed and release thier larvae. There are some crabs that live fully underwater as well. You're probably talking about horeshoe crabs that do go on land to release thier eggs. During breeding season they migrate in large numbers to shallow costal waters where they mate and females lay thier eggs and bury them in the sand. Females can lay lay between 60,000–120,000 eggs at about a few thousand at a time. So even if seabirds do eat them they'll still be some left. It takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch. No one takes care of the eggs after they hatch. The reason they lay their eggs in the sand is because thier eggs can't survive underwater like some other crabs. Mother's don't stop this because really what can they do? If they stay on land for that long they'll kill themselves. After young crabs hatch and they begin to grow they'll move into deeper waters.

How do i get her to wear my hoodie?

kay so im in an all girls school and im goin into 4th year. i love a girl in my year and we have a lot of history. my year is going to delphi in october (its an adventure center). were staying there for 4 nights and its bound to be cold out one night. ill make sure im near her in order to suggest it but how do i suggest to her that she could wear my jumper that ill be wearing. i know she gets cold very easy and i can handle cold weather as ive played football matches in the lashing rain before so how do i suggest in a "friend way" that se could wear my jumper and possibly keep it <3

Are Sky overseas reporters forbidden from wearing sun glasses?

Look at Alex Crawford & Jeremy Thompson for example, you can hardly see their eyes they have been reduced to slits due to the strong sunlight. A good case for compensation I would think. Keep an eye on how often others report while standing in pouring rain or driving snow....WHY!

Is it "elitist" when critics widely deride popular books and films, or do most consumers just have bad taste?

Filmmakers don't make the movie so a critic will smile, films are for the masses. A great example of this is the on the buses movie series in Britain. Critics hated it but even today its a hugely popular movie series.

Is this a good start? can i get a little help , tips , anything for my descriptive writing in my english class?

From the hill that leads to the beach is the most spectacular spot to watch the sunwirse , awakening the world from a restless sleep. The trees are dancing ever so effortlessly in the distance , providing gorgeous fresh air. The preserved nature of the golden sand gently layers it self for as far as the naked eye can see! the ultimate relaxation state is here for the taking ! seagulls and birds are already hunting for food that is scarce , swooping down every so often to battle over a greasy tressure that is found near a chip shop. The content sun is now pumping out sizzling heatwaves upon the bronze sunseekers , asking for more as sun creame start to vanish into their skin like a water swallowing a rock. Aggressive waves gather strenght like an army of liquified men crashing and then retreating. Perfect for surfers , terrifying for the young children as they tip toe back to their parents through the fiery grains of sand.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I wanna become a rapper, do you think I Can? Tell me what you guys think?

I don't know if you'd be a good rapper but the lyrics are okay i guess. I'm more into pop. Do good in school, don't lay all the eggs in one basket okay? make sure your taken care of

What do you think about this?

I like it. It was suspenseful from the beginning, however, the only think I didn't like was how you used her full name in the first sentence. I think you should just say her first name, and introduce her last name at a time where it more appropriate. It is very good though. (:

J14 Magazine Tattoos?

There was this issue of J14 magazine which contained temporary tattoos some of tattoos had Justin Bieber's seagull and Miley Cyrus' just breathe tattoos. Which issue was it? Please tell me if you know. Thanks.

RHH: Guess the songs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How can a liquid go past its freezing point and still be a liquid?

I dont understand the concept of super liquid water. I saw on flight 447 (a plane that crashed due to super liquid water) that they went into a huge storm 35000 feet above the ground. It sais that the rain was past the freezing point and once it touched the planes pitot tubes it froze them, therefore the tubes couldnt function and they couldnt tell the pilots how fast the plane was going therefore they ended up stalling. Can someone explain in an easy-to-undersatnd way how super liquid water works?

What is the difference among the following words:?

Most of those are singular nouns paired with plural nouns and many of them are also verbs. I could make a single change on my computer by adding a piece of software, and I could make many changes by adjusting my Internet preferences. In addition, the screen changes when it boots up after restarting. Use a dictionary, online or paper, and look at all the ways each of those words can be used.

How will Bachmann fare in a debate when all this comes to light?

How about the record of Barry Obama in office? Is there a record? In fact, is there a record of Barry at all? College? Major? Grades? Thesis? We do know he supported a bill allowing doctors to crush the skull and suck out the brains of a baby while it was being born (partial birth abortion). Yes, that truly raises my confidence in the humanity and decency of this left-wing, radical whose mentor, a man named Davis, was a member of the Communist Party, USA. Wow...Obama is so much better than Bachmann...there is no comparison.

What do you think about this?

ok so when i moved in i saw this girl and i didn't talk to her much really so like after like a month i said hey to her and we started talking and then we always went to the pool the near bye so we go like every day there and today we didn't want to go to the pool be case it rained so we hanged out at my House we're on the couch and she like come her so come so i moved and i hugged her she like whats that for i wanted a hug oh ok so she hugged me back i wanted to kiss her but she has a boyfriend what do you think

Which electric-acoustic guitar is better? Seagull vs.Takamine?

I like the Yamaha semi accoustic guitars because the sound is really great and you can find in all price classes.

What are some "lame" songs from the 80s?

By lame I still want fun songs, but you know, stuff like Thomas Dolby, Talking Heads, Flock of Seagulls, etc. Memorable popular songs from that decade that we can sing along with (and possibly laugh at) today.

Why does any mention of the Big Bang Theory always prompt several to call it "part of the lie of evolution"...?

Most of the more popular web-based anti-science ministries erroneously link the big-bang with evolution. But you can't blame the average Christian science-illiterate for believing this twaddle - they're bombarded with misinformation and never learned critical thinking to begin with.

Why are movie critics so uptight?

They're called 'elitists' and only review movies based on how artistic they are and not on anything else that can make them entertaining.

Where Can I find Missionary Edition Scriptures?

I don't think there is such a thing anymore, if there ever was. The LDS have copyright on their scriptures and they don't publish a format with notepaper. There are loads of commercial "missionary quick references" and notepaper at the stores you mentioned, but I don't think you'll find scriptures with paper built in.

Bush White House pressed CIA to dig up dirt on Iraq war critic?

Yes ... if you can't shut your critics up legally ... you dig up dirt to discredit them ... bring on Wiki-leaks ... you might despise Julian Assange but people like him allow us to view the nefarious wheelings and dealings carried on undercover ... all of which bring down our good name as a fair and just society ... !

Are the anime shows "when the cicadas cry" and "When the seagulls cry" at all related?

Were they made by they same people/ did they come from the same place? Also are the stories similar?

Jill Scott sample help?

Who samples Jill Scott's "love rain (head nod remix)" with Mos Def. The sond I'm looking for only samples a couple of words from that song.

Revision needs to be done in this paragraph HELP?

The viewer Lisa Kennedy has a positive review of the film The Social Network. According to Kennedy, " Americans are obsessed with connecting to others, but for the life of us, we can't seem to get along. Turns out, neither could the folks who lay claim to Facebook's inception." The Social Network shows how becoming successful can tear friendships apart. Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin are both smart, but their personality traits are very different, which brought their friendship to a end. Kennedy seems to be very satisfied of how the characters are not very lovable, but very comprehensive for their hubris. In the film it shows " all his ambitions, Zuckerberg doesn't appear motivated by money or even power, exactly. That said, much is made of the young man's desire to be tapped by Harvard's most exclusive "final club" and his resentment at not being chosen" (Kennedy). Mark Zuckerberg ambition is to work on the Facebook website that can bring college students to connect with each other. Lisa Kennedy critics about the film The Social Network are some quite true. The fact that the performance of the film had very good viewpoints.

Were does 5ft 8 &1/2 range in height, is it short, tall, medium?

I always heard Ryan Seacrest was short but when I found out he's 5ft 9 I was taken back because I always thought my height was alright but dam if Ryan is considered short then I’m in real trouble. please give me your honest answer, I really don't care(REALLY NO MERCY) don't try to make it sound like its not that bad. I just want to know what people really think is tall and what’s average. I'm 5ft 8&1/2 if you think that’s short PLEASE tell me I really want to know the truth. It seams like 5ft 10-11 is the average height for a male since that’s the height of all my friend not to mention it seems like everyone I see at the store or gym is on average 5ft 10-11. please don't say your fine the way you are or that’s how god intended you to be or its just your genes...I know that…well the last part, I’m not trying to sound rude but it doesn’t help. Thanks in advance… I mean really pick at this issue like one of those critics on those chef shows. DON’T FILTER OUT YOUR RAW ANSWERS I CAN TAKE THEM.

Help regarding letter writing?

Write a letter to the editor of newspaper complaining about shortage of water in your area and ways to conserve water like rain water harvesting.

Liberal Columbia Professor Keeps Job Despite Pleading Guilty to Incest Charge?

Not one bit surprising. Most "progressive liberals" have the morals of an alley cat, yet can't wait to condemn conservatives at every opportunity. Don't love libs, but they are amusing.

How to fix things up with my dad?

well you're 18, leave. If it is so bad you can do something about it, same some money from work, and move.

What is the weather in Melbourne and Sydney like at the end of July?

Sydney can get some lovely weather then . It wont be hot but should be nice enough to have a good look around. Melbourne is touch and go. Could be bitterly Cold it's a risk at that time of year. The Gold Coast today is beautiful. The Marathon is on at the moment and the sun is out People swim in the beach all year around. If you want really warm weather then go to the tropics it is the dry season now Cairns will be nice or the Whitsunday islands should be glorious as well. There are often cheap flights from Sydney or Brisbane with Jetstar or Virgin blue.

Could I have some critic on this paragraph? How to improve it?

Everything i was going to say, has already been said. listen to those above me, and i wish you and Pierre all the very best of luck in your futures together.

I want to start writing but idk if this is a good start? please critic!?

Hi. Its very good begining and I love it. I want to know what happen next in this story so keep going and stay in the flow. :) By the way, this story need bit more describle of the town that he's live in so the readers can feel and image it what it like in his shoes. Good luck with writing. :)

Why is their no medium for LeBron James media-wise?

He's either Jordan great or can't get it done.. The difference between LeBron and Kobe is that Kobe Bryant has a medium with the media and critics, they say he might have got swept "but" Pau Gasol didn't show up and he's still one of the top players in the NBA. With LeBron it's his team lost and they failed.. Yet not understanding they will get better next year with CHEMISTRY and learning how to jell as a group.

How will Bachmann fare in a debate when all this comes to light?

Imagine that , a con in office to line their own pockets ... The family farm , husband's business start up CASH ., the pork industry , etc. More scary is her involvement in a charter school that had it's religious right " curriculum " .. She may have some esplaining to do Lucy ... It should be colorful ..

Why rot*en tomatoes always rotten-up our mind blowing summers movie?

c'mon, they always do that, they want to kill the franchise or what ?, for example; transformers '07 has ratting 50 percent semi rotten, c'mon i enjoyed this one so bad with my bro and everybody and my friends love it. POTC on stranger tides, 33 percent, WTF this site thinks?, they hate the poor jackie. Tron legacy, yeah well maybe there's some negative point, but fu*k, they rotten it up again, check it out if you want. Even cars 2 was in bad score, they ruined the kids smile in the summer, even if the review by critics was good, rot*en tomatoes ruined them, i'll stick to IMDB with theirs user review, always believe the audience though. From now i WILL NOT BELIEVE that SITE anymore.up again, check it out if you want. Even cars 2 was in bad score, they ruined the kids smile in the summer, even if the review by critics was good, rot*en tomatoes ruined them, i'll stick to IMDB with theirs user review, always believe the audience though. From now i WILL NOT BELIEVE that SITE anymore.

Kate Nash lyric question?

"I hate anyone who if I was serving chips wouldn't talk to me" is a lyric in Kate Nash's song "I Hate Seagulls". What does that lyric mean?

Theres something wrong with my cat?

I would take him / her to the vet , because it sounds like he may have gotten sick when he / she was in the rain for 5 hours , take him / her to the vet.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best messenger bag brand for motorcycles-waist strap?

I'm looking for a messenger bag with a secure strap system that's used by riders. I'd like something big enough to fit a 15" macbook, textbooks and other stuff. I've looked at chrome, timbuk2, pac designs, mission workshop and seagull bags. I want to know-what do riders recomend to use while carrying a laptop? Tail bags can cause damage, backpacks are uncomfortable and I don't want magnets messing up my machine. I read messenger bags are best. But which one???

Are Republicans working to ensure the re-election of Barack Obama?

We cant say this is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. From the looks of it they already know Obama will win in 2012. It looks to me as if they are opening the door for the tea party to take over the republican party. Now I know tea party and republican are the same name. Only the tea party is open with their rhetoric something the republicans have tried to hide. They seem to be preparing the tea party take over. They seem to think in the coming years they can again take the white house with a tea party rhetoric president. I have to admit , they are no dummies when it comes to tactics of take overs. It is quite scary when you think about it.

Have you ever met someone who is almost exactly like you?

Did you get along with them well? Lately I've been talking to this guy who is practically the same person as me. We are both low-end AP students, bandgeeks, severe critics when it comes to movies, in love with the 40's, obsessed with frank sinatra, insane over Mel Brooks and Monty python, regular watchers of the history channel, and extreme procrastinators... Our personalities are the same, and we are both horribly shy-yet-talkative and aweful public speakers. Were not your average juniors in high school...

Does anyone else have birds that would rather sleep outside than inside?

I have an aviary (it's quite big, too) and my budgies and canaries sleep inside the shelter, where it's warm(er) and protected from the wind and rain. But then my quail, zebra finches and gold finches all sleep outside! I don't mind so much in the Summer when it's not that cold but here it's the middle of Winter and freezing! They're crazy!

My cat brought a fledgling in, have I done the right thing?

If it has all of its feathers it was old enough to fend for itself. Putting back was its best chance for survival. It will call for the mother. If she doesn't come it is possible another bird will feed it anyway. Some will feed any chick that begs. It was guaranteed to die if you kept it, letting it go was the right choice.

Is my house at risk for rain damage if concrete roofing tiles are broken or missing?

I came home yesterday and it looks like something hit my roof which caused some of the concrete roof tiles to break and become displaced. Since it is the holiday weekend, we cannot contact anyone regarding this until tuesday. In the meantime, we have some rain predicted down here in Tucson. Do I need to find some way to cover the roof or is the tar paper under the tiles protection enough from the rain. Also if I need to cover the spot, what are your recommendations on how to do so?

What type of blush can withstand moisture and is good for pale skin?

Try a powder blush by AVON. It will soak up any moisture and it looks really natural. There are lots of choices. I'm thinking a medium/light pink for you :)

Rate my rap Lyrics(1-10)?

Look man, these lyrics are amazing, I love rappers who have this poetic side to them, not that nonsense rapping like weezy and them, and its got an amazing flow, I love it honestly :)

Why does god love seagulls more than he loves me.?

Seagull and I are always going to the park to chill, and god always gives him a ride home. I have to walk. In the rain and get my A$$ kicked by bullies. PlZ HELPPPPP

What does it mean to dream about seagulls?

I had a dream that I was lying in bed and 5 seagulls flew in through my window. I got scared so I hid under my blanket. Then the seagulls surrounded me and started pecking at me like they were trying to eat me. What does this dream mean? I woke up because it scared me. Please help me, I don't understand what my dream is trying to tell me.

Should i talk to him or carry on ignoring him?

He's your friend man, you and him have to talk about true feelings you guys have. Get everything on the table, and then make your descion

Help Please :) Boxer Puppyy?

they seemed to have gotten a cold touch their nose it should be moist if its dry it means they are sick take them inside warm them up give them fluids.

I need help finding a bird...?

I saw a bird the other day. The size of a Seagull, it was completely black, with flat feathers and long, thing, pointed and bright Orange beak. I've looked everywhere but I can't find anything like it.

Can someone help me understand this music video (James Blunt: Beautiful)?

this is in tandem with the japanese tradition of harakiri. u must look , act honorable before killing yourself. shoes r not clean. hence gotta put aside. u're entering another realm of life, hence your spirit must not be encumbered.

Circumcision at 14? Nervous?

The procedure is simple. It's usually done with a local anesthetic and takes about forty minutes. The bruising and swelling take a week or so to subside. My stitches started to fall out on the tenth day and were all out by the fourteenth. Everything was back to working condition after a month. The only discomfort I had was when the stitches came in contact with my underwear. Don't play with it for at least a month (you might tear the incision) and when you do use a water lubricant like K-Y Jelly (do not use Vaseline) the first few times. Complications are extremely rare about as rare as winning a million dollar lottery. Cosmetically it should look much better than an infant circumcision because the surgeon has more to work with. My scar is not visible (it was placed 10mm below the crown) unless it's erect and the scar tissue is barely visible when it is erect. No reason to freak out.

A grey and white bird made a nest in my tree? What type of bird is it?

There has been this very loud peeping sound that has been waking me up early in the morning. Today, by chance, I saw a grey and white bird that was about the size of a seagull or small hawk, fly up to the very top of my eucalyptus tree. I saw it land at one of the very high branches with its wings spread. It looked kind of like it was feeding its young. I only got a small glimpse of it because it came fed its baby then flew away. I live in San Diego, CA. Does anyone know what this specie men is?

What problems do critics find in Freud's theory of "why do we dream?"?

Freud believed dreams represented suppressed sexuality, that all dream content had a sexual connection. But he was challenged by his peers because of his inflexible thinking. Carl Jung famously said "if a church steeple in a dream represents a penis, then what does a penis in a dream represent".

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Family treating me...( i know this is pretty long but please bear with me I need serious advice)?

Hi your parents are like that because they know you can do it and they love you. Well things about your parents anger on your brother and then releasing them on you is I think and have in my mind why? But if I were you ask them straightly and fearlessly. But after you talk whatever happens tell them you Love them and if I were you hug and kiss them. Hope This Helps:))

What's a good acoustic electric guitar?

I am brand new to guitar. Looking for something under $400 that's acoustic with a pre-amp and auto-tuner in it. Takamine, Seagull and Crafter has been recommended so far. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Who liked "The Art of Getting By"?

I loved "The Art of Getting By" and I thought it was interesting that the critics hated it so much. I wanted to know who actually saw the movie and liked it?

Tyre strategy for yeongam in f1 2010?

In the south korean gp i need help with the tyre plan. Im in a lotus and its going good till lap 8/11 when it starts to rain. The prime tyres loose their grip but when i pit they overtake anyway and they dont seem to need to pit. I need help. Im on xbox btw.

I wanna become a rapper, do you think I Can? Tell me what you guys think?

Nice verses man. I'm the same, people will always try to put you down, keep doing what you love. My own family hates that I want to be a rapper. But I'm still gonna do what I love. And you should to.

Who's the best spin bowler ever? Muttiah Muralitharan or Shane Warne?

yeah that is why Shane was popping pills, which his moma gave him......wink wink! In reality he should have been banned for life, but he is still playing. Murali was born with that bent arm, he cannot stretch his arm fully. All Yahoos who cannot beat him, complained to ICC. They did all the mechanical testes and everything came negative.

3D movies --- do you like? <><><><>M<><><><>?

Do you go for 3d? I was reading that some critics, notably Roger Ebert, don't like them. Do you? and why?

Teens: did you ever go to a MLB game?

I've gone to so many of them! My family had a box in our ball park. I also went to the Phillies World Series 2008 game. I go to a dozen over the summer. My friend's grandparents co-own our home baseball team.

Too much description, or does it set the scene?

It's great!It really makes you feel like you're there!Some parts could maybe be shortened, but overall it looks really good!:)

Thoughts about lyrics that I should use for my tattoo?

I am playing around with the idea of getting a tattoo. However, I want it to be perfect when I get it- seeing as I will have it forever. I am going to get my grandmother's initials along with some kind of seagull sillhouette on my ribs. Around this I would like to have lyrics of some sort- this is where you come in. I'd love for some ideas on what lyrics to use...make them short though, I don't need to endure unnecessary pain. All kinds of lyrics are welcome, I am just really in need of ideas!! Thanks in advance (:

Do you think that the obvious expectation from UPA on the Hazare movement has been proved right?

After reading the above answer I'm 1000% convinced that Indians don't deserve to live in a corruption free nation. And according to this answer Anna Hazare is self-proclaimed representative of Indian people. Either that answerer was blind or ignorant who could not see the mass support in favor of Anna Hazare when he was fasting. Had Anna continued with his fast for one more week, this same answerer would have been voting for new government.

Jill Scott sample help?

Who samples Jill Scott's "love rain(head nod remix) feat. Mos Def. The song I'm looking for only uses a few words such as thursday...sunny afternoon...

What does this sound mean that my rabbit made?

My rabbit made this sound randomly when I went up to her cage. The only way to explain the sound is the sound that seagulls make. What could this sound mean?

Stranded small towns in North America? Rains alot?

So i'm writing this book, and i need a place. The main character is moving there. There has to be a average, if kinda small amount of people, but extremely small,or large like San Francisco. Just a little less people than average. There has to be lots of rain, fog, and it has to be kind of far away from BIG civilization, because its kind of stranded. A forest would be food, too. :)

What would you like to ask?I really want to become a rapper, what do you think?

I think im not going to read all that typing. Instead im going to say dont take rap too seriously start small like an open mic night or something.

Should I get Runescape membership?

I've been playin RS for a while now...I guess its pretty fun to do when I have nobody available to hang out with or it rains or something...So now I reached level 54 combat. I have like 400 or something total skill (I have not checked in a while) and I did a bunch of quests. I have only like 1 million coins or sumthin and I need more stuff to do...Should I buy mems? I'm not goin to a dam gamestop or 7eleven or whatever to buy a dam card. I'm ordering online with credit no matter what's the consequences. IS IT WORTH BUYING MEMS????? I WANT MEMS FOR QUESTS AND SKILLS AND MORE STUFF TO DO AND EXPLORE... TELL ME IF ITS WORTH IT. I DON'T WANT THOSE OLD PLAYERS SAYING NO NO NO. Ik its a waste of time but I only play when there's absoulutely nothing else to do. JUST ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION I BROKE MY TEXTPAD NOW EXPLAINING THIS.

Was "Return of the Jedi" a bad movie?

I haven't seen the original trilogy in a very long time. I was just looking on rotten tomatoes and was surprised to find that it had such a low rating from critics---lower than "Revenge of the Sith", and everybody complains about how bad the prequels were :/

Will you read my poem (Triple Clover), maybe?

I agree you have nice imagery but you lead off a bit. Try to stay on point, your going down one road but you saw taco bell and swerved off. Other than that i loved it.

I need iphone help, please!?

last night i went to a concert and it rained, no it poured. my iphone 3gs isn't working right anymore. it had the itunes 4 update with iphone 4 capabilities. so i'm using an old one now and put my sims card in it. it put all my things on it but it won't give it the update with the iphone 4 capabilities. it says on itunes that its updated though. any ideas what to do?

Jill Scott sample help?

Who samples Jill Scott's "love rain(head nod remix) feat. Mos Def. The song I'm looking for only uses a few words such as thursday...sunny afternoon...

Rate my rap please!!!?

Decent, there is absolutely no meaning behind it obviously. But for a basic rhyming rap it is good. In the 3rd to last line take out "some" before seagulls, it just messes up the timing, atleast it did when I sung it out.

Why do you think critics dissed Venus's outfit instead of her game?

I know. Venus is not there to make a fashion statement. She should be evaluated on her skills and her game. Her clothes are irrelevant.

Atheists: What do you think of Ralph Waldo Emerson?

It's easy for someone to pontificate philosophically about a lot of things that way. I can easily do the same for space aliens and the yetti. the quote only shows his own personal bias towards their being a god, nothing more.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where have all the seagulls gone?

according to my teecher seagulls go 2 sky when it gets cold. dey live inb clouds and do burdy stuff lkie eatin chips

I think im falling in love, does he like me back?

Oh. My. God. Im so jelous! that sounds perfect <3 those "friends" that are turning on you aren't your friends then they would be happy for you.

How to i get my b string to stop buzzing?

My guitar, a seagull, has been perfect for 2 years, but today for some reason i played it and the b string was buzzing, , before it was sounding crystal clear, is it my strings needing to be replaced, or something of that nature, idk but its really annoying so thanks if you can help. Some of the others also started to buzz slightly, but its unnoticeable

Why does everyone love Pixar?

I have always found that the movies are just made to keep some kid interested for an hour and a half. Yet many film critics and adults seem rave about them. Now I'm not a simple minded person who only watches dumb downed movies, with terrible plots. The movies I watch are often found to be to complex for some people to stand.

Help I'm about to purchase an acoustic guitar for beginners but can't decide which brand?

Takamine, Seagull, Ibanez or Fender and which model is the best for a beginner? And why? Thank you!!!

Injured seagull what should i do?

i called animal control they said let nature take it course the police said the same. i don't know what to do its so sad i don't want it to suffer, and its not leaving either. Should i feed it,im too scared to try and catch, should i give it water?i don't know what to do it soo sad to see it.

Punishment For Killing Seagulls And Other Birds?

I was just reading about a man who beat a seagull to death and it brought back memories from about 12 years ago when i was younger and walking through the city. A young seagull was on the road and this car sped up and killed the bird (he obviously did it on purpose) I have this horrible imagine in my head now :(. Anyway, at the time I was told by friends nothing could be done as they are seen as vermin. Maybe that was the case or not back then (I don't know) but am certain know you can get punished. What sort of punishment could you get for deliberately killing a seagull or a pigeon, crow, black bird etc. Thanks

Should I use my 1 month savings to buy a Seagull S6 guitar or buy me a vanity table and stool set?

The guitar... if you play well enough you could make a living out if it and get a much nicer vanity table or hire someone to do your hair and makeup for you.

Is san francisco california winter weather colder then brisbane queensland winter weather?

i am going to san francisco in january, and i was wondering how cold it usually is? (in degrees Celsius would be good) im from brisbane, QLD australia and is the winter weather colder then the winter weather here? what clothing should i pack? does it rain a lot? thanks for the help. :)

Is skyline a good movie?!?

I like to download movies, but due to limited space on my computer i can only keep them then delete them later. I like war/sci-fi/comedy movies, like Battle Los Angeles, which looked related to skyline. I heard skyline was terrible, ok, bad, crappy, good, awesome, etc. So i dont know which one is it. But i heard the ending was stupid. Someone tell me if it's good? I read a few critic reviews and they said it was bad. I don't want an answer saying "it's worth watching" because that's stupid. just say if it's good or not and add details if you can

What's the anime Clannad like?

I've heard some rave reviews about Clannad but also some warnings that it's extremely sad. Many people have said it's so tear-jerking and anyone who didn't feel anything is a souless monster and even the critics said that cynical souls will avoid shedding tears. Is it worth watching or is it another one of those overhyped, worthless animes?? I've seen some animes that are raved and aren't worth it so don't flame me for that! I haven't seen it yet.

Considering my playing style, what type of acoustic guitar "top" should I look for? Spruce, Cedar...?

I really have to recommend Carvin's Acoustic Cobalt series. Their lowest model is about $490, fits right in your price range. Carvin operates their own factories to make their guitars, aka they sell direct, as opposed to retailing, so their guitars cost much less than they're worth. I have an upper range Cobalt and it's the best acoustic guitar I've ever played. It obviously won't compete with a high end Martin, but these guitars really are high up there. Definitely much better than any $500 guitar you'll find at guitar center. I seriously recommend you check them out.

Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insuran?

Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives... and to the "good life", whatever it is and wherever it happens to be. Is following baseball part of the the "good life" for you?

How do you tell the difference between ADHD and tourette syndrome?

My son has ADHD, dyslexia, and aspergers syndrome. But some of his teachers at school tell me he keeps randomly looking behind him and making a seagull noise. Is this ADHD or tourette syndrome?

What can I do if I really want to dance again?

Could you try to find some dance lessons that you and your group could take for a while until your other teacher gets back? That seems like the best possible thing you could do right now :)

Can anyone help me with this description?

The melancholy, swirling clouds of gray reflected the auora deserted grounds. There was no joy here. The smiles of playing children had long faded; the smiling faces were blown away in the howeling wind. One could not even imagine the upbeat music that used to play here, the sound of cheers at gaming victories, or the engines of mechanical rides hard at work. The only sound now was the screech of metal against metal, that the delapidated fence emmitted when hit with a whisp of wind. The chains of this fence where broken in many places, creating holes big enough for a small person to crawl though; not that any mother would allow her child anywhere near the red-orange rust that spread thoughout the links. Beyond the gate stood a merry go round. This ride looks like it had seen the worst of the years out of use. The horse's paint was chipped, showing the composite interior, while in most areas the hooves of the plastic animals had fallen of altogether. It was impossible to think that this place had ever been full of fun and freedom, impossible to stand in the rust-smelling dirt.

How much cold can a horse take? please help urgent?

some of my horses are normally stabled at night. i wont be able to stable them for the next week and i wont be there to take there rugs on and off. they will be out in the paddock. its winter here and the lowest it gets a night is about -5 degrees and it frosts but the hoteset it gets up to during the day is about 15 degrees. it is also spose to be raining and windy for the time. the only rugs i have are really heavy weather beater rugs so should i leave their rugs on for the whole time ( will they get to hot) or should i leave them off ( will they get to cold) ??????????????

The sky is yellow-orange?

We were supposed to get some sever weather, but it barely rained earlier and there was a lot of thunder and some lighting. As of right now, it's calm, a light breeze, no rain, and no thunder. However about 15 minutes ago outside was all yellow, everything had a yellow tinge. Then it went to a yellow-orange, and now it's like a pink orange. It's completely dark in the house like it would be if it was dark outside, but it's still light out, just pink/orange. What does this mean???????

What effect did Gov. Rick Perry's "Day of Prayer" have on Texas droughts?

The last thing we need is a preacher to try to bring this country together. Maybe the Dems should run Rev Wright.

Should I put a cinnamon bun in my hair as a joke or would that be dangerous around the seagulls?

I think it would be funny for someone to say I have a bun in my hair and then they show up with a cinnamon bun in there.

If you want to STOP animal cruelty help me and answer?

i need allot of help my big brother has a friend named victor he always comes here to my house. one day my big brother told my mom he was going to give rice to the seagulls raw he gave them RAW rice. im still not sure if he did it but hoping he didn't i don't like him at all should i call the police on him he also has a friend that runs over birds and stuff i will call the police on him

My bike wheels wont move but pedal will go around.?

My BMX bike can pedal but the wheels wont move. I don't know if its the chain because the chain is rusted. I don't know what it is. I just got it out of storage. It's been in the rain before by the way.

Honestly, is it good or bad?

I heard it and it is really good but it is the voice is kinda low! And it sounds kinda weird for your voice! It sounds good but not professionally good!

What type of guitar is this?

that is an acoustic guitar. the different to look for is the tuning pegs (for really unskilled novices). are they metal and sticking up or are they rollers inside the headstock? if they are rollers inside the headstock and the guitar is using nylon strings rather than metal, then it is an acoustic folk guitar.

Critique my poem please?

It was very descriptive and held almost a secret idea that's hard to decipher. It makes one come up with their own personal view of your poem. i like the line "Painless in patience alone." thought this ends up skewing your couplet structure. Try making that line into a new couplet. :)

I need help finding a movie based off a description?

It's an animated movie I saw a long time ago, it's about a seagull who's mother dies in an oil spill, and a cat finds her and the seagull is raised by cats. I think it might be Disney? I'm not sure. Please help! thanks so much

Keynote Presentation Advice?

I am about to deliver a Keynote Presentation to many people and one critic. I have never delivered a Presentation before. The critic is tough and I need to make him satisfied with what I am about to present. I need advice on how to present the best presentation ever.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

On my 2003, CR-V, what does the Overdrive button mean?

over drive is a gear you would want to use on High speed highways, In other words its just an extra gear.

Why do so many music critics (and some fans)...?

...consider Nirvana to be the complete justification for the existence of any alternative music in the 80s? It's as if Cobain and co. were some glorious end product of a musical evolution process, when really, they were more like the diluted, mass-produced version to the real thing. Your thoughts?

Does anyone think that supernatural is such an underrated show in the uk and america or worldwide?

I Love supernatural but its very underrated and it doesn't get the recognition it deserves by the critics and magazines and the way sky living treats the show disgusts me they don't care about the supernatural fans what do you all think guys is anyone a fan of the show because i am Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are so hot and the best brothers on the show and are such amazing actors they are so friendly and so Lovely in real life

Do you also hate the pretentiousness of academics?

I found not all were like that but some were overboard with themselves, and I was and English major.

Split hoof on my three-year-old?

With an injury like this i would call another farrier, i know your waiting on YOUR farrier but if your that worried call another farrier or a vet. With something that serious i wouldnt trust the advice of people you dont know online.

Help with seagulls problem?

Okay so i need to get rid of some seagulls of my roof....Literally kill them....I know it is harsh and stuff but they have attacked my children twice leaving them with marks on there arms....both kids are 4 and 1 sooo pleaseeeee i tried baking soda...didnt do anything.....and i have even tried shooting them but it just did nothing and the pellet/bullet tingy just bounced of sooo anything pleasee i rather they died quickly with no pain??

How do you tell someone how you feel?

Its easy, just tell the person how you feel. Extra bonus if you tell the person how you feel face to face. Its kinda nerve-racking but the guy would love u so much more in the future

Are there any other songs featuring more modern sounding Orchestral music?

If anyone has heard the song "Aerial Promenade" by Seagull Orchestra (a side project of Adam Young, well-known for his work in Owl City) then you know how its a beautiful piece of purely instrumental music. My question is are there any other pieces of music like this? I've tried what I thought was every combination of the words ambient, orchestra, and instrumental and can't find anything that's really even close. Anyone out there think they can help me?

Why do some Music and Film critics, write their reviews in riddles.?

So that if you like or dislike the song or music they reviewed you'll still read their next review or in other words to make sure you won't know what they mean so that if the song or movie succeeded they'd avond embrassement.

Where on the internet can an amateur musician get critics to say what they think about their music?

is there an internet service where I can send music experts my music just to get a reliable second opinion?

Is anyone going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach next week?

Hi, We,re going too on Wednesday, the rainy day. On the bbc 5 day forecast it is fine until tuesday and then quite heavy rain wednesday, typical. The weather wouldn,t stop me from going though, just wrap up well. Schools not on holiday yet. Enjoy! Forecasts aren,t always spot on anyway.

How to be the person that can get along with ANYONE?

Shes friendly and outgoing , try to be fun! Talkative and be conversational , im like that , haha all of friends laugh , when theire with me

Can you set off fireworks during a thunderstorm?

There is a lot of lightning, it's windy like thirty to forty miles per hour wind gusts, and it's raining. And there is an idiot down the street setting off fireworks.

What do you think of the book "Witch and Wizard" by James Patterson and that other unknown author?

Yeah, I've read both. They both suck. It's boring, goes way too fast, has absolutely no thought into it, and is a story we've all heard. Have to save the world. If you have to save the world, it better be entertaining as sin (Ha, that actually makes sense!) and make me actually think! God, it was so dreadful.

Can anybody tell me if this book is going to be any good?

no no just no. It would work if it was just freaky and depressing. look up some marilyn manson and salad fingers for inspiration

Who are the toughest swimsuit critics on the beach?

I think women are because one time one of my friends saw a woman in a bikini and she was pregnant with her stomach popping out. My friend said she shouldn't be wearing that. That she should wear a one piece bathing suit.

Why do so many critics (and some fans) hail Nirvana as...?

...the justification for all the alt/indie/noise rock in the 80s? As if Cobain and Co. were some glorious end result of a gradual musical evolution. Can't bands be good on their own terms anymore?

What do you think of my writing, first page?

In the beginning, you talk about a raft, but then all of a sudden you talk about some random guy. maybe you should add a transition in between the first and second sentence to make it more smoother, see what I mean?

Which game will you be getting; Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3?

@Mark Etholic GASP! YOU CAN SPELL! But seriously, Battlefield 3. For me, the whole Call of Duty series became the same dull thing after 4. Modern Warfare was the high point, and now it's like Micheal Bay took control and started ruining it like he did Transformers. Battlefield on the other hand has a strong community that's respected a lot by the games developers. It really goes to great lengths to make sure that you, the player, are having the most fun you possibly can out of it. Then you look back at Call of Duty, which doesn't release betas before the games released, just in case someone finds a crippling bug and that causes more people to decide not to buy it. All they care about is raking in the money for their own benefit. Also, they took away dedicated servers. Not cool.

Can someone help me remember the title of this 90s kids movie?

I barely remember anything about this movie... but I remember my favorite scene had a beluga whale, and a whacky seagull. It was a cartoon movie, from the 90s. thats all i really remember but please help me!

What's your stand with these criticism against manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather?

No to ALL...EXCEPT #10.....asking for 100 mil is an excuse NOT to fight Manny. They will never give him that kind of money. And Floyd has made such a big issue out of this that he hurt himself and his own image. I don't hate anybody....I only state the facts.

Why is it yellow outside??? Best Answer 10 points!!?

It's yellow outside, because it's yellow outside. Hooray tautology/reflexive property of congruence!

Is this a good start for a novel I'm writing?

This story makes me think of this movie "Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole" I believe that it was also an award winning book.

Muslims, can you name a critic of Islam you respect or think makes valid points?

Montgomery Watt . A good book by him is "Muhammad: prophet and statesman" You can download for free from this site a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to handle drawing portraits of genuinely unattractive people for money? Please read?

This is a hard one because while the picture needs to look like the person it should be done in the most flattering way possible. Keep in mind that people see themselves and their loved ones in a different perspective than others would. Perhaps you could ask her what pleases her most when she looks at her husband and try to see him as she does. I saw a tattoo show recently where the artist did a portrait of an old man that had a stroke. He put that man on someone's skin droopy eye and all. The man looked like he had a beauty to him and looked good in the portrait regardless of the stroke. Amp up the beauty of a person and play down the less attractive features. Good luck, just look for the good stuff.

23,063 at AAMI Stadium. Good for the conditions or bad?

This was the lowest Adelaide crows crowd in the history of the club. Just wondering why people wont go and watch them, conditions aside. With atleast 75% of the SA market they should get atleast 30,000 every single match. Even though they had lost six on the trot, I still went and saw one cracking hard fought game of football. Serioulsy those 23,063 dedicated fans were louder than the 36,000 at the Gold Coast game and even the 42,000 at the Hawthorn game. Just shows who the real fans are and how there are so many fickle supporters. Even if the game is live on fox, its raining and the team is going rubish i will still go to every single game. Do you think it was a good crowd for the conditions or a bad crowd, whats your opinion?

Do adult seagulls accept other seagulls' babies around?

Me and my friend caught 2 seagull babies today (they fell down from the buildings in my neighborhood) and freed them on a lake where many seagulls live. Do you think they will accept the 2 babies there? Do you think the babies will manage to find food and catch fish?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is Bachmann Crazy For Believing God Has Given Her a ‘Sense of Assurance’ to Run for the Presidency?

Of course she was sent by God. The liberal media will always attack the believers. She is not crazy, you're the one crazy for not accepting Jesus as your Savior.

What's ur opinion of this girl getting fired for wearing hijab?

I think it's a really mean and cruel thing to do. I am Muslim and I wear the hijab because of my religion. They should respect that.

My bike wheels wont move but pedal will go around.?

My BMX bike can pedal but the wheels wont move. I don't know if its the chain because the chain is rusted. I don't know what it is. I just got it out of storage. It's been in the rain before by the way.

The human race is a waste... "a long question"?

like "matrix" humans are like a virus sucking everything out of its host til its time to move on to a new host and start all over we need to be exterminated

Should I be getting paid overtime?

I live in Virginia and I work as a pool attendant at my neighborhood pool. I work 9 hours straight 10 am to 7 pm (no breaks), 6 days a week. On days that it had rained and I left early, I still worked over 60 hours for that pay period.

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* What do you think of Sucker Punch?

The plot and acting was pretty lame, but the action sequences and special effects were insanely awesome. Also, as was stated, the music accompanies the sick action sequences, which amplifies its intensity. (Did that make sense?) Hmmm, anyways, I think everyone should definitely see it because it does have its positive aspects, as long as you don't mind being dumbed down by its weak plot

Why do people try to argue that certain music is no longer "relevant"?

I notice a lot of professional and amateur music critics will often try to belittle certain artists/bands and genres/subgenres of music, arguing that they are no longer "relevant" or something along those lines. But as long as music is recorded and available for anyone to listen to, how can it not be relevant? You never know who might pick something up and get inspired by it. It just seems like a weak attempt to make someone's taste seem superior and everyone else's seem inferior. And who's to say that mainstream success/exposure equals relevance? Mainstream success is a very fickle thing.

Is there a significant difference between seagull guitars and fender guitars ?

I'm 13 years old and taught myself how to play guitar.. it's been about 6 months since I started playing.. I guess I'm pretty good for a "beginner". I got an acoustic Fender about 4 months ago, and it's okay. Its sound isn't as full as it used to be. Anyway, I was looking in getting another guitar, preferably in the $600 - $700 range, or cheaper, but I want some quality. I was thinking of getting a Seagull; is it worth the money ? Is there a significant difference between a Fender and a Seagull, sound wise ? thanks

What happened to clip critics on youtube?

they haven't been active for 1 year a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Whats the name of this hollister hoodie? please help?

Its a regular pullover hoodie and on the left side it says hco and it has the seagull and it says malibu. Plz help?

How accurate is my German?

The good news: I was able to understand perfectly what you were saying without having to read the English text at all. However there are a LOT of mistakes, both large and small, which Insel has addressed already, and I'd like to add that you should consider carefully whether "haben" is always the best verb for what you're saying. And while there are word order issues throughout, the last sentence in particular needs a complete re-work.

Artists or art lover or critics?

ohkay so i need to know.. If you visit an art exhibition.. And the artist is a 19 year old girl.. Most of the work done by her is modern contemporary art and no realistic art.. What would be your reaction..??

Weather in orlando later this month?

me and my family are going to to florida orlando on the 13th July until the 30th July. the weather forecasts are awful! we have bought a 14 day pass to wet n wild, universal and islands of adventure, will the rain ruin our holiday? HELP X

Birds that sound like fighting cats?

Last night I stepped out onto my porch around midnight to the sound of what I thought was a really nasty cat fight at the end of the street. But the sound started to get closer, as if the cats were fighting each other while quickly approaching my house. That's when I looked up to see the actual source of the noise, which was a row of about 7 or 8 bright white, significantly sized birds (looked the size of canadian geese with the body of a seagull or crow) flying south over my house. Now, I have heard many cat fights, and many birds, but I have never heard this sort of sound come from either creature. I was thinking maybe one of the birds had picked up a particularly vocal mouse or rabbit, but that seems highly unlikely considering how loud the sound was. Anyone have any ideas on what sort of bird this way? I live in Washington state if that helps at all.

Guitar Purchasing HELP!?

I don't care for a cedar top on a dreadnought because it's just too warm a top wood for an already bass-heavy guitar. I think spruce adds necessary sparkle that cedar just can't provide. I'd take a Taylor 114 or 214 any day over your two choices. A Martin 000-16GT is another good choice.

Did you know the first critic of Bush's handling of 9-11 was his own mother?

Where did You find this, on CNN or MSNBC It was clintons fault for not taking UBL, when He had the chance. But then democrats and muslim terrorists love each other.

Why are some garter snakes seeking human habitation and how and why are they surviving without a pond of water?

Recently in the summer months every year, we are constantly seeing large garter snakes (I was lucky enough to see a baby one some time earlier this year or maybe last) in are apartment and what i'm trying to figure out is, is why are there many garter snakes living around in civilization, we'll see birds, raccoons, feral cats, and squirrels including some insects and the garter snakes here in the apartment but why are they living so closely here around humans? yesterday me and my (girl) friend were going to go outside to try and catch one or some but then at first no luck and then our friend had came because his metro phone got locked and he wanted us to go to the metro store so he can see what's wrong with it and so I put the container I had that I was going to put the snake in back in the house and as soon as we were leaving guess what? yup it was a large garter snake probably female? but the thing is it was me, my two friends, my little sister, and my (girl) friends daughter and we all saw it but why didn't the snake slither away, we were all very close to it especially me trying to get a look at it and it didn't even try to get away it just kept on moving like we weren't even there but why? and by the way I didn't catch the snake because I didn't have the container and plus we were inna rush anyway but I was glad I got to see a "wild" garter snake up close but why are these snakes living in human habitation especially in apartments because there are no rats, mice, fish, especially water unless it's raining or the sprinklers are on but there are some small species of birds and squirrels and a lot of species of insects so do you think that the snakes maybe eating those but what about water? there's not a single pond in my apartment? but how and why are these snakes surviving and what might they be eating and why are they living approximately so close to us humans?

Sebastian Luciano goes around pretending to be a Rockstar who played with Lita Ford, Kelly Clarkson. y lie?

He tells people he has a private jet, limo's, body guards, and listed his credits as working with Everyone from Flock of Seagulls to Nelson. Truth is he's an abusive drunken drug addict renting a room and a bed in a rooming house in Az. spending all his time with a bottle of Vodka in a dark room under house arrest. Just spent a month in Tent City and has numerous restraining orders on him from women he has conned and abused, he has even abuses some of these womens children. He's a sick man, Called all the labels of the Artist he claimed to work with and they all deny even knowing who he is. What makes people do stuff like that? That's sick.

What is a baby pelican? a seagull?

i have never seen a baby pelican... only adult ones. what do baby pelicans look like? what are they?!

What is your favorite and least favorite song on my latest Mix CD?

Not really a fan of any of these to be honest sorry but least fav would have to be no. 4. Jay Z..eww

How much will verizon charge to fix my lg chocalate phone?

I lost my phone for the three days that it rained when I let it dry it wouldn't turn on & when I charged it the phone still doesn't turn on

A recent change in bird population? Silicon Valley, California? 10 pts. B.A.?

cant find any info about a bird increase but below is a link of various california birds that may help you identify some of them

Do you want to make your parents proud of you?

I was blinded at the age of three, when surgeons reluctantly remove my eyes to save me from a fast spreading cancer, but although eyeless, I regained my sight when I was thirteen.This sudden ascent from a decade of darkness into the glory of light was not brought about by the hands of a holy healer. No celestial trumpets announced the restoration of my vision, just as none announced my birth. A rollercoaster had something to do with my recovery, as did a seagull. And you cannot discount the importance of my profound desire to make my mother proud of me before she died.The first time she died was the day I was born: January 6, 1980.

I want to become a rapper, do you think I Can?

You should make a video and post it on TALENTSHINE. People will have the opportunity to vote and comment on your talent. This will promote you for free and will give you a good idea on a potential career in this field.

Is Reality TV Making Americans Dumber?

Yes! In a million ways, too. I could be here for days ranting about the horrors of reality television and what they have done to out current society. It's just........awful. Nobody wants to really read books anymore or really do anything intellectual because they're busy watching all of that garbage on MTV and various other "reality" shows. And the worst thing of all is that they show no signs of stopping any time soon :'(

Out of the three transformer movies,which one do critics or yourself think is the best?

so i havnt seen the 3rd movie yet but im kind of iffy about it being good. can anyone tell me if its as good as the two to other ones? or which one is the i know what to expect?

What do turtles Eat? HELP!!?

Randomly I found a turtle on ur Front Yard, Im later gonna go ask for the owner, but it rained all night and shes/hes really wet. so what can I do? (its a land turtle) and what can I feed him/her?

Can somobdy correct my grammar?

Li Chi'ing-chao was one of the greatest poets in China and she had to get through multiple hardships and difficulties of his time period. She was not only a great composer but an excellent prose writer, a musician and painter as well. Many critics believe that her experiences strongly influenced her writing. (Rest is good)

What kind of dove/bird/pigeon is this?

It sounds like the doves I saw at an auction - they were marked "White Kings" - I don't know what kind of dove they were - I raise ringneck turtledoves and they were at least twice as big as mine (which are roughly the size of a mourning dove). I'm glad you brought this up - I had meant to come home and try to find them on line and you've reminded me. This doesn't really help, but maybe it will give you more info to go on!

Atheists: Since you don't use religion to make you "good", What's your alternative?

I don't really make a point of going around being good; I just live my life and have morals. I spend time with my kids as much as possible because I think that is important; I try to be polite and kind to everyone, especially those who are rude and unkind, because they probably have things in their life that are negative and they could use some niceness directed toward them. I just do things I enjoy and be nice and kind to those people I come in contact with, and don't do bad things. That pretty much sums it up; it's pretty easy, uncomplicated, and fulfilling.

Is it ok to use cruise control in the city?

I use it all the time, I love it. My mom was driving with me and told me that it wasn't safe to use it all the time. How is it unsafe? I don't have to look at the speedometer every 2 seconds, the cancel button is right there (I use it a lot), It saves money (better MPG, and Tickets, school zones). I am more focused, since I don't have to worry about how hard to push the pedal, and I don't have to look at the speedometer every 2 seconds to make adjustments. I wouldn't use it in traffic or rain, I set it to speed limit and hit cancel when I see something I am unsure of (people, kids etc.)..

Is my MIL more important to my husband than I am?

I am so sorry that you have to go through this horrible experience. It is horrible and I don't care what others say. Your husband should know that he's married to YOU, and he'd better set his priority straight. He needs to choose between being a pathetic mom's boy and a wife's husband. Nobody like losers. I am sorry.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do you think I have a good taste in music?

I salute you for having such a distinct and unique style. Although this type of music is not always respected nowadays, it shows that you have a firm understanding of what real music is, and after all if it makes you happy then who cares if other people like it? Music taste is different in every person, so enjoy your uniqueness!

Why can't I be skinny?

The simplest guideline is this - calories in has to be less than calories out. If you are eating more calories than your body can use it makes fat... simple as that. Absolutely no mystery to it. Eat the foods that have lower calories and you can eat more food. Make a lifestyle that doesn't revolve around food. Only do exercise that you like. I only know of one person who actually likes gym and makes regular happy visits to it. Walking half an hour every day is heaps better than killing yourself at a gym three times a week. Best of luck...

What is this sound coming from my car?

I have a grand prix, and for the last couple months whenever I come to a stop and then press on the gas again, I hear liquid moving around. It's coming from the front, maybe the dash? Could this just be old rain water? And how will it effect my car? Thanks.

Where can I buy a humane bird scarer that I can stick to a window?

I have seagulls sitting on my roof making a right din all the time. I cannot get out onto the roof to put a scarer on the roof. Where can I buy something (like a bird outline) that I can stick to the window to keep them away?

What that song called?

Whats that song called that is pretty old and talks about running away with someone i think the name of the ppl are the seagulls or something help me its a beast song just cant remember!

How do I stop my bamboo plant from wilting?

Couple days ago I became homeless, so I have all my essentials in my car including my bamboo plant. It was doing great untill today when the leaves started to wilt. Yesterday I watered it by catching rain drops off of a building. So I am thinking its from the water or the fact that it has been sitting in my hot car. Any ideas how I can nurse it back to health?

Why is this true about...........?

Why do black people think everythings racist aganist them ? As I have studied them, socialized with them, made friends with them, they tend to be the harshes critics aganist every race. They trash talk white people, asians, mexicans, and other races. Most are very racist, yet they go ape sh*t when someone calls them racist and then fireworks blow up with colorful language. I mean oher ethnicities know when they're racists.....

Spanish homework help me translate please!!! ?

You will never learn like that - you should give us your attempt, and we will point out any mistakes.

Why do adults criticize movies not even meant for them?

I think of this a lot too. I think it's to help parents possibly save money taking their kid to it, and wait for DVD. It's their money, not the kids. You can't really ask why they bash movies without saying why they praise them (e.g Toy Story 3 to Cars 2). It's basically like pitting s comidian in front of a female drama and saying "grade this". It's gonna be opinionated.

Do you think my sister is upset based on this poem?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

With all the Modern tech we have now, is it possible to MAKE it rain?

Cloud seeding never really worked out, but if you Google it you will find some interesting stuff. It was a big deal for a while about thirty years ago.

What are some good rap hip-hop albums of 2011?

What are some good rap/hip hop albums of 2011? I like catchier music more so than what most rap critics consider "good'. But just throw some albums out there. Thanks.

Why do some animal lovers also like Humans?

I guess that means you don't ever want respect from an animal lover then too. Yes, people can be devil-apes, but that doesn't mean anyone should hate the entire human race, because there are some decent people out there, I'm sure. That, and they would just be hating themselves, too.

How much cold can a horse take? please help urgent?

some of my horses are normally stabled at night. i wont be able to stable them for the next week and i wont be there to take there rugs on and off. they will be out in the paddock. its winter here and the lowest it gets a night is about -5 degrees and it frosts but the hoteset it gets up to during the day is about 15 degrees. it is also spose to be raining and windy for the time. the only rugs i have are really heavy weather beater rugs so should i leave their rugs on for the whole time ( will they get to hot) or should i leave them off ( will they get to cold) ??????????????

PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!! Will I Get Sick!?

OK so its been raining alot and im a big neat freak so i sprayed alittle big spray in my bedroom . Were i sleep . Its been 20 - 30 mins since i sprayed ot i have no where else to sleep me and my doggie sleep in there can l sleep in there without anything happing to me or my dog???!

How do you like Barry Hussein's definition of transparency?

Once "candidate" Obama became "President" Obama he realized what the real deal was in Washington. If everything in Washington was transparent, 99% of the politicians would be in jail or some ethical problems to try to explain away.

Do planes get wet flying though clouds?

Yes, but it's not like travelling through water or rain. Clouds are especially steam so because of the higher spacing between the water particles the plane would not get very wet as well as the fact that the plane is warmer and moving quickly this means you won't really notice if you are in a plane and why it will not damage a plane. You could think of it like driving through fog, you do get kinda wet, but it is more like being mildly dampened.

Good vocal songs for a female lead. (solo)?

I think that you should sing "On My Own" from Les Miserables, that would be a very good song to sing.

I don't know how to continue my story!?

I don't know but what I don't get is how the heck does a passenger train end up on a freeway that is for cars and trucks. How does that happen?

Need to know the name of this song, some lyrics sound like "shades of brown shades of brown" 1980's style?

the lyrics sound like shades of brown shades of brown da... da... da da. like a low beat flock of seagulls its been in my head all morning!

What is the weather in Melbourne and Sydney like at the end of July?

We are planning to go to Melbourne and Sydney the end of this month. I know that the temperature is around 12-15 degrees Celsius. But does it feel colder because it's wet, rains a lot, and windy? Also, is it always really gloomy in the winter? Overall, do you think it'd be a good tourist destination if we go in the winter? I really hate cold and gloomy weather. I prefer the warm and sunny.

Next step up from Seagull guitar?

I have been playing the guitar for 3 years so I would consider myself as an intermediate, i've had my Seagull s6 for about 2 years now.. I know it's a really good guitar and is comparable to some Martins, I can't help but want another one. My philosophy with music is that you can never have enough LOL... but unfortunately I'm a 16 year old girl who doesn't have a job (besides occasional baby sitting, but what does that give you?) Anyways, I plan on getting many guitars in my lifetime.. but for now if i wanted to get a step up from a seagull s6 that is not ridiculously expensive ... (any thing more than around 1000) what would you suggest? Thank You!

How can I make the most of my awful school uniform?

Dang, that must be tough. Well, I guess you should just follow the rule. What school is that? That seems like my school rules except they are not as harsh.

Wierd Fungus in my basement, what is it?

My basement leaks when it rains. Water comes up from the floor so it's ussually pretty wet down there. I brought a crap load of laundry down there and just tossed it on the floor. Today I noticed a wierd whitish/greyish mushroom like things growing along the base of one of the walls near a damp laundry basket, they are also growing out of the cracks in the floor. I took some pictures but I don't know how to put them on here. What is it? Is it something I should be really concerned about? I have a small child and I'm also pregnant, so I'm really leary about going into the basement now. I don't have any money to call a profesional so what do I do?

What determines a Album and a singles rank on a Chart,like the Billboard chart?

it's according to popularity, so it depends on how often the song was requested and also on sales of the single or the album.

Guitar help on Breedlove and Seagull.?

The Breedlove is not a full size guitar, it's a travel guitar. It's not a good choice for learning to play guitar. The Seagull S6 is a very popular guitar but I'm not crazy about its cedar top. Also, they're both a lot of money for a beginner. I'd recommend the Yamaha FS-720S instead.

Found an injured seagull is there anything I can do for it?

I found an injured seagull near my house in a field. His wing appears to be badly broken. I went back and gave him a small piece of bread and a container of water. My mom says he will probably be killed tonight by some wild animal, is there any way I can prevent that from happening? Like put a cardboard box with breathing holes over top of him? Or would that not work..thanks for the help.

Good vocal songs for a female lead. (solo)?

I think that you should sing "On My Own" from Les Miserables, that would be a very good song to sing.

Can somebody explain why people think BVB sound like A7x?

Now, I know Avenged Sevenfold aren't the best band out there, but now even Metal Hammer has used them as an example to describe Black Veil Brides. Can anyone explain to me exactly why music critics feel that these bands have ever sounded similar, of all the crap that gets released? I used to be a huge A7x fan and I'm seriously not feeling it... And no, I'm not saying this because it even irritates me - say what you like about either band; I'm just curious from a critical perspective.

Can a bb gun with 250fps kill a seagull? ?

Those feathers are tough. I grew up 1 mile from SF Bay and watched many with pellet guns shoot at them. the pellet guns would do some damage but not much. They would normally fly off. Get caught shooting them in CA or UT and you will regret it.

Dream meanings running away from a cow, field full of birds discovered after straying from the pack?

U want to be free like a bird breaking all the bonds of relations, all sort which are felt as bullying u

P & S :- What is a good acoustic guitar to start out with?

I've read in several different places that the Seagull S6 is a great choice and is about $400. Do any of you know any other guitars that are a good value? They don't have to be pretty; I'm just going for the sound.

Should i talk to him or carry on ignoring him?

He reallly cares about you, try and talk it out, he obvoiusly has a lot of faith in ur friendship, so maybe u should to